Monday, February 4, 2013

The Family Proclamation: God's Love for Us

Lesson II:
God’s Love For Us

Attention-Getting Activity:
Begin the lesson by having all the family members stand out in the hall while you call them in one at a time. Make sure that those in the hall can still hear. As you welcome each female family member say in a loud voice: “Now coming to family night, we have _______. This beautiful girl is good at_______. She adds this to_______ our family. We couldn’t live without her _______.” The rest of the family can cheer as this daughter enters the room. When you welcome a male family member say in a loud voice: “Now coming to family night, we have _______. This handsome boy is good at ________. He adds ________ to our family. We couldn’t live without his _______. “The rest of the family can cheer as this son enters the room.  
The Proclamation:
Hand out the Proclamation to each family member. Read the second paragraph together. 
All human beings, male and female, are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents and as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal and eternal identity and purpose. 
Bear testimony that each person was created by God. We are in his image. He has a physical body with hands, feet, eyes, ears and a mouth just as we do. He loves each of his children very much and He has a plan for our lives. You may want to emphasize this point by going around the circle and saying, “I know that God loves ___________” and repeat this for each child. 
Every boy was born to become a King. Every girl was born to become a Queen. Heavenly Father wants to bless us with everything that He has. This is our destiny. Whether we are a boy or a girl, our gender is important to our Heavenly Father’s plans for us. 
Extension Activity: 
Lay out the word strips you have made using the list below. Lay out the Headings: Girls, Boys, or Both. Have the family decide which words describe boys and which words describe girls and which words describe both. Explain that for some of the words there is no right or wrong answer. There are many things that both boys and girls can do to strengthen and help the family such as clean, cook, and care for children. 
The world will try to convince you that boys and girls are exactly the same and that they should be treated and act the same. Heavenly Father teaches us that boys and girls are different. We were boys and girls in heaven and we will continue to be boys or girls after we die. We each have different roles and responsibilities but Heavenly Father loves his daughters and sons equally. Each is vital to our Heavenly Father’s plan. We must work together and use our individual strengths to help our home function as smoothly as possible. 
Serve ice cream cones with pink and blue ice cream in honor of boys and girls. Talk about how wonderful it is to have both boys and girls in this world. It keeps things interesting! 

Word Strips:

Dolls Balls           Sports
Father Mother          Prays
Bishop Relief Society President          Home Teacher
Visiting Teacher Ribbons and Curls Dresses
Shirts and Ties Missionary Grandma
Grandpa Cooks         Cries
Smiles Works in the Yard Cleans
Cares for the Baby Pregnant         Smart
Outdoors Studies the scriptures Teacher
Primary Leader Stake President         Serves others
Sensitive to the Spirit Desire to be Good Testimony
Patriarch Matriarch         Talks a lot
Talks a little Gives Blessings         Husband
Wife Brother         Sister
Uncle Aunt         Cousin 
Temple Worker Priesthood Holder Friend
Fixes everything Can kiss boo-boos better         Strong
Good in Math Reads books         Son
Unique and Special Loved by Heavenly Father          Daughter

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