Monday, April 16, 2012

Jesus Christ Lesson 7 - Service Project

Jesus Christ: Service Project
By Deborah Pace Rowley
                                                                  Sabrina Rowley

For this family home evening, perform some service in honor of the Savior Jesus Christ. He fed the hungry, clothed the naked, and visited those who were sick or in prison. Choose a project as a family from the list below. Or come up with your own idea to follow the example of Jesus when He was on the earth.
*Make homemade cards and deliver them to someone who is sick or in the hospital.
*Go through your closets and donate some nice, gently used articles of clothing and toys to your local Deseret Industries or other charitable organization.
*Participate in a humanitarian project. Make hygiene kits or newborn kits or other needed items listed on
*Volunteer at a Food Bank.
*Work at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter as a family.
*Gather some uplifting magazines and books, including church magazines and copies of the Book of Mormon, to donate to a local prison facility.

My favorite part of Christmas this past year was the evening we spent serving dinner to a subdued and quiet group in Salt Lake City, Utah. This group included patients and their families living at the Ronald McDonald House located near the Primary Children’s Hospital. My sister-in-law Sabrina Rowley had spent many months at a Ronald McDonald House in Portland, Oregon, enduring countless medical treatments in the years before her death. We went to serve dinner in her honor and near her birthday on December 23rd. I know my children will remember this night much longer than they remember the gifts they received this Christmas. It was a miracle to feel the love of the Savior, looking into those thin faces and huge eyes, trying not to stare at the bandages and bald heads, as we smiled past our nervousness and tears. My big, tough husband broke down as he recalled his little sister and the impact she had in his life. Thank you, Sabrina, for a memory we will never forget. 

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